If you haven't noticed yet I changed the name of my blog. The other one came from a Mae song (my favorite band) because I wasn't creative enough to think of anything. However, I think this one suits me better. I drink a lot of coffee and I miss Cleveland.
So, I'm coming to the end of my unit planning. I have all these thoughts in my head and need to just start putting the ideas down so I don't forget them. I'm just afraid I'm going to bore the students. I should worry about that though.
This week is spirit week at the high school. We are doing a door decorating contest and I'm super excited because the winning advisory gets donuts and orange juice! Hey, I'll still buy into that as a teacher. One of the girls in my advisory is so cute. She has so much school spirit and transferred from a school that had a lot of it. Our school doesn't have it so much. My teacher said activities like this will help her buy into the school. She crafty and creative like me so we better win! I'll take a picture of the door. Hopefully I remember!
So the boys are just getting ridiculous. Today two boys said I could go to homecoming with them. I asked if I could have one boy on each arm. The one boy was hilarious. He was saying I could walk in with shades on. Then he started doing the robot. I think it might be the personality of this boy, but I was cracking up.
Diante continued to ask me to homecoming. I asked who his girlfriend would go with and he said, "Her friends." He's a very caring boyfriend. Haha. Then I said I only go with people who can drive. He said he could just not legally. So I quickly said boys over 18. He said he'd borrow his sister's id.
Sorry boys, you are all too young and immature for me.
The school I am at is very old. It was built sometime in the early 1900s. Of course, the just did some major renovations to it, but a lot of the old character is still there. We had a staff meeting today in the innovation lab. The room has stain glass windows, which can actually be seen from the outside. This quote by William Ellery Channing was also on the wall:
God be thanked for books; They are the voices of the distant and the dead, and make us heirs of the spiritual life of past ages.
I really liked it. I also thought about how crazy people would go today if "God" was written on the wall.
During the staff meeting they talked about project-based learning because the school is a project based school. I'm really excited that I have some resources to help me when ever and where ever I get a job. I think project based learning is much more enjoyable for students. It's a lot more work, but how many jobs ask their employees to write essays? No, the make projects!
Well, I'm off to unit plan!
I like the new name! Now you just need to draw your own background :) then it'll be all Jazz