Today was 80s day for spirit week. It was pretty hilarious. One kid rode through the halls on old school four wheel skates - he ended up getting in trouble for wearing them inside, but it was so funny! Everyone was shocked I didn't dress up in 80s wear. I wish I would have! However, my supervisor came in and probably would have thought I was a nut! I told everyone it was okay because I was made in the 80s and that's what counts. One student said, "Really?! What did you wear." I responded, "I was just a baby." One girl was dressed up like D.M.C. My MT was talking about her outfit and how good it looked then said he knew every word to the songs. The students went crazy and told me to show them he did. He starts rapping in the class and it was HILARIOUS! It was really good too! I was surprised. I didn't think he'd actually be as good as he was!
Speaking of spirit week, I took pictures of the door! We will find out tomorrow who won! Our classroom has two doors because it's a double room, so we had extra work. My advisory is awesome though and definitely pulled it off. They also made T-shirts for the pep rally tomorrow. They were so cute.
The math teacher had everyone draw a picture of themselves and they put it on the door. One student has an IA because he's legally blind. The IA went crazy with it. I had to take a picture of his drawing. The other drawing is of my student. She was there when I took a picture, so I had to put it on too!

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