Friday, May 20, 2016

Izmailovo Market

I mentioned Izmailovsky Market was one of the coolest and quirkiest places I have ever been to. It's not really A's cup of tea so we didn't spend much time there, but I liked admiring all the details. There was a lot going on inside too. There were venders selling food, toys, souvenirs, and there were even small wooden rides for children.
You can see our hotel in the photo below. That's how close we were to this market. We just walked around a bit, but I thought I was in Heaven when I saw that old replica of St. Basil's Cathedral. It was old and abandoned - just what I like! A said to me, "You always find the ugliest thing and take a picture of it."
I also felt like I was back in America with the giant, metal girl. It reminded me of Paul Bunyan or those weird American road trip attractions. Is that just me or did you feel that way too?


  1. This is too cool! So much to look at.

    1. I know! I didn't even take pictures of everything!

  2. Just creepin' back into your abandoned archives - this place looks SO amazing. The comment about taking a picture of the ugliest thing reminds me of something my mom said to me once "You're probably the only person who goes to the Bahamas and takes a photo of an old door" :)

    1. It was so cool! That quote is so true! I had another friend once tell me, "I wish I could see the beauty in these things like you can." It was actually a pretty flattering comment. :)


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