Friday, December 16, 2016

Dolphin Concert

When A and I first started dating he would listen to the same few songs. I actually liked them, and I was interested in who the singer was. He told me about Дельфин (Dolphin), and I was immediately hooked.

We tried multiple times to go this his concert. He was supposed to come to Ufa last year and the show was canceled. Then we were going to go in August when we were in Moscow, but I secretly hate concerts, especially in the sun, so I told A I didn't want to go. Then my friend, Dima, who I met in Irkutsk, told me about the concert he went to there. He told me that only seats were available for purchase. I knew I HAD to go. Anton did not like that there were seats, but I was ecstatic on the inside!
The concert was exceptional, and he definitely comes off as a guy who cares about making music not trying to conform to some standards so people will like him. There weren't a lot of people at the concert, which might be why it was cancelled previously. However, there was a girl who walked right to the front to take pictures and a guy who did the same with his selfie stick. Mr. Selfie Stick continued to take photos while he was escorted away. It was annoying, but, despite that, I loved the concert. I definitely recommend you listen to his music if you haven't already!
A lot of my students have told me that they learned to speak English through music, and I always thought that was so cool. Looking back I did pick up a lot of words from his songs. Unfortunately, he's the only decent Russian musician I've heard. Everything else is terrible pop music.
Do you know any good Russian musicians you can recommend to me?


  1. I really love the bands Motorama, пожар, рука дочери, and наадя!

  2. I watched your instagram story of the concert! I was wishing I could've been there. I'm gonna check his music out. I actually became pretty obsessed with a Russian girl group called Serebro, have your heard of them? I love alot of their songs, they have some English songs too. I've been singing to their Russian songs though, hehe. Music is such a powerful thing!

    1. I need to start singing the Russian songs because it will be a good way to improve my Russian. I haven't heard of that band, but I will look for them soon! :)

  3. Is this the same Дельфин who has the song последний раз? I LOVE that song!

    You might also enjoy 5'nizza (pronounced like пятница) and Ёкла. Both are from Ukraine but sing in Russian too.

    And I would say Земфира too, but you probably already know of her since she was born in Ufa :)

    1. I've never heard that song... could be him! I've listened to 5'nizza and Ёкла but actually I don't remember their songs. I'll need to listen again! Ah, yes, Земфира. I actually haven't listened to her but I know she was born in Ufa :)

    2. > Is this the same Дельфин who has the song последний раз?
      Yes, but in band "Мальчишник"
      Last probably two decades Дельфин makes solo (or single) perfomances

    3. Ohh! I'll have to listen to that band!

    4. "последний раз" is quite lyric and romantic
      But beware "Мальчишник" has very explicit content in general

  4. You have to check :)

  5. I would like to introduce your to one of the founders of the Russiфn rock: Boris Grebenstchikov(Борис Гребенщиков):

    Band "Kino"(this soul of my generation:))

    "DDT"(that group has been from in Ufa):

    From contemporarey ones I could suggest "Смысловые галлюцинации"

    "Lumen"(I think they are from Ufa, if I'm not mistaken)


    "собаки качалова"(Name of the famous Russian poet S. Esenin has been used for band's name "Собаке Качалова")

    "ночные снайперы"

    Hope it helps.There are many more worth of listening, but I'll stop now: do not want to overwhelm you.:)

    1. Thank you so much! I will make sure I listen to these bands! :)

  6. You'll like Barto.

  7. Hello, Jasilyn! I was born in Ufa, thats why i'm reading your blog and find it very nice&truely. So want to recomend you the russian comedian man working as singer - Семён Слепаков. He is not so inresting in musisian side like Земфира, Dolphin, 5nizza and others, but don't know why his songs inreresting for people who learning Russian language - it's works for understanding mentality jokes mb.
    And remember another group, from Ukraine, called Бумбокс. They have many songs in russian and his frontman have good pronunciation. Hope they both would be interesting for you.

    1. Thank you so much! I've actually heard of Земфира and 5nizza! But I've never really listened to them!


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